Comprehensive IT protection for a fraction of the cost.

A well-known fact is that cyberattacks present a high impact, high likelihood risk to businesses throughout the world.

A lesser known fact is that more than 50% of cyber-attacks are perpetrated on small/medium sized businesses, and that South Africa has the third highest number of cybercrime victims worldwide.

The effects of such a debilitating attack range from financial to reputational loss, and as targeted security attacks grow exponentially, combating this criminal activity is becoming a critical element of every business strategy.

Cybersecurity is good for the economy

Small business, the driver of economic growth in our country, faces two challenges in effectively protecting against cyberattacks, namely:

    • Navigating this specialist field; and ultimately selecting all the required cybersecurity building blocks to ensure comprehensive protection.
    • Being able to afford this – sometimes costly, but crucial – cyber-security ecosystem.
A reliable cybersecurity umbrella has the following 5 essential and interdependent elements:

3126 CyberSecurityToolbox MS Infographic01 30032020 V3 | Vox | Protect your business with this cybersecurity toolbox

Affordable cybersecurity solutions made accessible

For most small businesses, implementing all these components can be prohibitively expensive.

Because of this, we have designed the Cybersecurity Toolbox specifically for customers with 20 IT users and less – that reduces the equivalent monthly cost by 40% and provides comprehensive IT protection with best-of-breed technology, for R1 975 p/m.

Cybersecurity toolbox | Vox Blog

In partnership with specialists in the cybersecurity industry, we look forward to sharing valuable information and insights with you during the coming weeks.

In the interim; please contact your Account Manager, or email .