Spoiler alert: it’s multi-faceted and customisable. It’s also the key to digital transformation and a comprehensive business strategy.

Digitalisation allows businesses to speed up normal day-to-day operations for maximum efficiency. Physical documents are saved and categorised in databases. Invoices are sent and received via email. At any time. From anywhere. In seconds!

Unlike digitalisation – doing the same, but faster – digital transformation gives us all new ways of working. It opens up a world of endless possibilities – one free of, ‘That’s just how we’ve always done it’ thinking. Digitalisation offers the kind of agility and adaptability needed in a world where anything can (and does) happen.

Digitalisation allowed Netflix to pivot from supplying weekly mail-order DVDs in the US to streaming movies and series globally, 24/7. Digital transformation gave the streaming giant the ability to produce the critically-acclaimed original content we know and love today. They did it by leveraging the masses of data and insight Netflix subscribers provide with their viewing habits and preferences.

Here’s the good news: digital transformation is possible for every company, in every industry.

And it all begins – and never ends – with the cloud.

Why Cloud is Here to Stay

Every company needs to access their data safely and securely, from anywhere. It’s a harsh lesson most businesses learnt over the last two years. Honestly, given our erratic power-supply issues, a cloud migration strategy is always going to be a good idea here.

On-site servers are expensive to buy, maintain and update. South African companies also need to factor in the costs of generators to keep them running when load shedding strikes. That’s before you consider the current eye-watering cost of petrol. Not to mention what it’s going to cost in a few years…

To have any kind of future, businesses need to be able to connect at all times. Customers and employees thrive in environments where information is easily accessible and always at hand.

Hosting all, or at least some, of your data in the cloud means you’ll always have access to it, in real time. Because all of the above – the server upgrades, maintenance, and constant power-supply – is already taken care of for you by experts in the field.

So, now you know why you need the cloud. Let’s unpack the importance of having a cloud strategy.

Sadly, there’s no cookie-cutter solution when it comes to cloud integration. Each company is unique, with their own sets of challenges and business goals. Choosing who to partner with to guide you on your cloud journey is what makes all the difference.

Where Cloud is Going Next

Migrating to the cloud to optimise day-to-day operations is just scratching the surface. Why not use this opportunity to leverage your data and gain new ways of working too?

Better still, what about customising your cloud strategy to suit your business needs? Or getting the most from your strategy by partnering with multiple cloud vendors? It’s called multi-cloud. And it means you can have it all – safe, secure hosting and insightful data analytics from the best in the business. But with a single partner to guide and manage the process.

That’s the beauty of Vox Cloud. As a South African cloud solutions provider, Vox is passionate about tailoring a cloud journey to suit each company, regardless of size. Enabling them to reach their business goals both now and in the future.

Not only can our Cloud team guide you on your journey to the cloud, but we also offer the choice of multi-region ISO-compliant data centres along with hybrid and multi-cloud strategies. Vox leverages the latest cloud innovations without losing sight of your unique business needs.

It all comes back to a deep understanding that a human touch is what makes these tech-driven solutions infinitely better.