… so, you’ve decided to embrace the side hustle and give being a Vox Ambassador a go. The stage is set, you’re ready to make those sales, everything is good and suddenly – radio silence. Your audience is as passionate as the crowd at a Camilla Cabello concert, you’re not tracking any conversions, and either nobody is buying what you’re promoting, or something is going horribly wrong.

We hope (we truly do) that you never find yourself in this position – but without the correct training and guidelines, it is a possibility (and one we’d prefer to avoid). Make no mistake, being a Vox Ambassador creates unlimited potential for limitless earnings, but you need to know what you’re doing in order to make it happen.

So without further ado, let’s take a look at our top tips for owning the title of Vox Ambassador (while bringing home some serious paper).

  1. Get Posting

As an Ambassador, you’ll be provided with various marketing collateral designed to get the attention of your audience and help you promote. These will include artwork, promotions, and social media posts, which you can share as you see fit. In your journey to be successful, social media is your best friend – and we don’t just mean fifty consecutive WhatsApp statuses. Get posting across multiple platforms to maximise your reach and ensure that even people who don’t have your number can see what you’re promoting. Make sure to be smart about it too – by sharing at the right times with the right audiences, you’re more likely to make a sale than doing it at random – so do some research and get sharing.

  1. Listen to the People

Social Media has ensured that your audience has a voice – you’d be doing yourself a disservice if you didn’t listen to it. We recommend being on the lookout for people, both online and in person, who talk about Fibre, LTE, or any other product you know you’re selling. From asking about which provider is best on Facebook to just saying in conversation that they need to take out a contract, you can find golden opportunities to share your URL just by paying attention.

  1. Stay on the Ball

We know, your first experience as an Ambassador can be daunting – it’s a lot of new content, and a bit of an information overload. But remember, all the resources, newsletters and info provided are purely to make your life a bit easier. By making sure that you’re always up to date with the information you’re provided with, you can share our specials and promotions as they come in – which might be just what your audience is looking for at that moment in time. So, take the time to go through the resources provided and thank us later.

  1. Don’t overdo it

Ever seen those Tupperware salespeople who just spam their statuses? People normally tune out after the first one or two images. We suggest spacing out your posts rather than running them all at once. The more content people see and the more its repeated, the less likely they are to pay attention when you give them something new. A good way to start is by letting people know that you are an Ambassador and to contact you for any Vox products (just as a heads up), before releasing your collateral systematically and methodically. This way, your posts have more impact, and people are more likely to pay attention.

  1. Explain how it works.

When you successfully convert a sale, you should expect the customer to contact you whenever an issue with their product arises. For your own peace of mind and to better assist them with their issue, make sure to explain from the start that you’re simply an Ambassador – and to contact the relevant person directly should they require technical, maintenance or otherwise important assistance. (FYI: The relevant person in this case would be the Vox Contact Center, which they can contact on 087 805 0530 for any queries or complaints – it’s open 24/7, so there’s always assistance on standby).

  1. Don’t give up:

Chances are that money and sales won’t roll in from day one – but don’t get despondent. Once you build up your network and people understand that you’re the person to contact for their new sign-up needs, you’ll find your journey a lot more fruitful. Keep persisting even when things get tough – there will be times where sales are low, and other times when things are better. Ride it out and never give up – we have faith in you as our Ambassador, so a little belief goes a long, long way!