Unless you’re living under a rock (or communicating via Yeastar), chances are you’ve heard about the global chip shortage that’s sweeping through the world like the wrath of Putin.

When we say chip shortage, we don’t mean that Dorito’s packets are now 90% air, or that Lays is discontinuing their Salt & Vinegar range (although we thank the universe for that one). Instead, we refer to the international shortage on microchips, which is more commonly known as the reason the PC we’re writing this on can function properly.

Let’s break it down.

As a result of the pandemic which shall not be named, many hardware manufacturers around the world had to close their doors. Normally, we wouldn’t cry too much if these were competitors (like the one mentioned above), but in this instance it meant nothing but problems, delays, and a shortage of stock. For most people, that is.

Naturally, the order to stay at home and engage purely with Netflix meant a global increase in laptop sales, router outlays and subscriptions to a website that rhymes with Thorn-Hub, which in turn meant more PC’s, more devices, and more cellphones (as well as more lotion). Under normal circumstances, an increase in demand would mean an increase in supply, but with the financial and economic pressure put on organisations across the board, this wasn’t the case – meaning the world inevitably saw a chip shortage roll about somewhere along 2021 (if only there would be a mask shortage so we could have an excuse not to wear them).

This shortage has impacted everything from laptops to cellphones, routers, and Mark Zuckerberg’s memory card (which is probably why Facebook crashed at one stage). As such, many resellers and manufacturers have found sourcing the chips required to match their output as hard to come by as a Peter Stuyvesant cigarette in Lockdown Level 5 – except this time, there was no RG alternative, and a lack of options means a lack of production.

Even as things stabilise and demand normalises, the industry faces a universal backlog, almost as bad as the one at the Drivers Licensing Department. And, seeing as SA couldn’t even send that machine in for repairs successfully, it’s no surprise that end consumers and business alike found themselves wanting in the chip department.

Cool, we’re with you – but what does this have to do with PBX?

Well, one of our main competitors (you know the one, it starts with Yea and ends with “doesn’t work”) have recently found out the hard way about the advantages of Cloud Solutions over conventional computing. See, our PBX platform (3CX), actually considered the world we live in and adjusted accordingly. We embraced the power of the Cloud to integrate with our technology and provide relevant, tech-savvy, innovative solutions rather than emulate the Nokia business model of “use the old ways until they’re obsolete”

By embracing the power of the Cloud, our devices don’t require either hardware or chips to function.

It works as an off-premises PBX platform (as well as offers significantly more lenient licensing, rules, and regulations), as we grew to realise that Hosted Solutions are key to navigating conventional supply issues. In doing so, we’re today able to gloat about our ability to function independently of issues which cripple other service providers and know full well that our sense of self-satisfaction is truly warranted.

See, to us, the global chip shortage and our ability to navigate it is testament to far more than just our ability to transition to the Cloud. If anything, it’s indicative of a brand with the foresight, vision, and innovative desire to not respond to challenges, but instead circumnavigate them altogether. We also pride ourselves on implementing far fewer limitations on our end consumer than our competitors (for example, all our users have access to video, and we don’t restrict the number of participants in a call. Within reason).

Our takeaway from the whole ordeal? When the chips fell where they may (or, in this case, when the chips just didn’t arrive), it was the innovators who stood in the Clouds and watched. So, while other resellers struggle to get hold of their equipment or complete their installations, wouldn’t you rather rest easy knowing your needs are sorted with 3CX?