Why deal with the complications of managing your own network, when there’s a much better option available?

Hybrid work is here to stay. But, while IT teams continue to grapple with managing devices for a distributed workforce, there’s also the issue of ensuring their company network is fit for purpose as far as hardware and software is concerned.

The fact is networks are complicated. And they’re only growing more complicated by the day. An office network already has countless components, all interconnected and dependent on each other for optimal performance. This includes everything from access and connectivity to switches and routers that make up the LAN/WAN, not to mention the firewalls that protect it all. All while maintaining stable Wi-Fi to keep everyone – users and guests – constantly online.

Degradation in service of any one of these components will cause disruption, which in turn results in users experiencing limited or no connectivity. In a networked world, where most of us are dependent on the Internet to work and function, this will absolutely result in a drop in productivity.

A Managed Network Takes ‘Work’ Out of the Equation

Even before hybrid work became the norm, network management has always been complicated. It’s even more so now. Companies returning to the office are returning to a network that has probably had little or no investment for the past three years. In that time, the working world has moved on, and users are more dependent on bandwidth-heavy applications like video conferencing and collaboration.

Now add managing users at home into the mix… Companies – or, rather, IT departments, have no insight into a user’s home connectivity, making it difficult to troubleshoot problems from afar.

There are also several issues contributing to network outages these days. Loadshedding has a massive impact if you don’t have redundant power in place. Even if you do, the cost to run generators these days is, frankly, eye-watering.

Older equipment that hasn’t been refreshed in years is always going to be problematic. Then there’s the possibility of increased cyber-attacks that breach the perimeter security because firmware updates aren’t done, or firewalls aren’t provisioned correctly. Not to mention unskilled users making changes that cause downtime.

Let Qwerti Handle It

Breaking out in a bit of a cold sweat? Here’s the good news – we’ve obviously thought A LOT about this issue, not only within our own environment, but for our customers as well. That’s why we’ve given our Qwerti Managed Network offering a little refresh of its own.

Starting now, not only will you be able to rely on our team of expert technicians to take care of every single network point to keep everything running in tip top shape, but we’re also offering the option of adding an affordable tech-refresh into the mix too.

As every company knows, a tech refresh is key to keeping your network working its best but upgrading hardware can really take a huge chunk out of the CapEx budget.

Which is why we’re offering the opportunity to rent essentials – like new Switches and Access Points – to reduce the cost of ownership and capital outlay for your network hardware. Because your network should always support your business.