Leading tyre manufacturer, Bridgestone South Africa has selected Vox as its WiFi partner of choice, in an IT solution overhaul driven by its IT manager, Ryan Crawford.

The company, which has recently shifted its operating model from a capex to opex model, with the aim of building a valued service, selected Vox as a like-minded solutions and services oriented partner.

Says Ryan Crawford, IT manager at Bridgestone South Africa, ¨our new headquarters in Waterford, Johannesburg, will be a fully WiFi-enabled environment, with devices from printers, laptops and everything in between being replaced to move away from wired LAN connections.¨

The company’s current head office did have WiFi but the business wasn’t satisfied with the solution in place.  Crawford cited that a lack of ability to monitor and control the WiFi solution, coupled with poor APNs due to positioning were the critical considerations whilst overhauling its connectivity and IT requirements.

Bridgestone was first introduced to Vox via Ruckus, its integrated WiFi solutions partner, which has a WiFi solution implemented at the company’s Brits manufacturing plant.

Concludes Crawford, ¨The clincher for us, was the stability and reliability of the Vox solution.  It is an appealing solution not only because of the superiority of the technology, but also the management control it provides over the WiFi delivered via a dashboard, giving full, nationwide visibility of all access points.¨

Bridgestone intends to roll out the Vox WiFi solution across its network of offices and branches, such that it will offer their staff the opportunity to reap the benefits of true mobility.