According to Crime Stats SA, 2019 has already seen over 22 000 robberies at residential premises, while Business Tech published in September that there have been over 71 000 burglaries at non-residential premises last year. It is apparent that the need to secure premises in South Africa remains.

Vox Nerve Centre works to avoid crime
Vox’s Guardian eye offsite monitoring is a security monitoring service. Working with either existing CCTV equipment on a client’s premises or Vox CCTV hardware, camera analytics at a property making use of this service will raise an alarm if movement is detected. This alarm will notify the Vox Nerve Centre and they will assess whether to get hold of the client or not.

This is exactly the scenario that occurred at 02h36 in early October 2019 at a residential estate in Gauteng. Along with making use of Guardian Eye offsite monitoring, the estate also has Vox perimeter cameras. The camera’s built-in thermal technology detected movement outside the property’s walls, raising an alarm with the Vox Nerve Centre.

The Vox Nerve Centre spotted an unidentified male adult walking from pole to pole inspecting the perimeter of the residential property. According to standard operating procedure, the Vox Nerve Centre alerted the onsite armed response who quickly deployed their security team to the site.

The unidentified male disappeared before armed response arrived on scene. The officer on duty surveyed the property and confirmed that all was in order in and around the estate.

The Vox Nerve Centre employ CCTV operators that are certified by the Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority (PSIRA). For more information on how to best secure your residential or non-residential estate with Guardian Eye, the eye that never sleeps, visit