“When you’re the only woman in a male dominated environment, you have to work a bit harder to prove yourself,” says Audrey van der Wath, Lead Engineer for Vox Vobi and IP Centrex.

She joined Vox in 2010 and has over 10 years’ experience in the ICT world. “I gunned for a position in RND (research and development) and was first woman in the department,” Audrey recalls.

“I worked hard to get a position in building the Voice product at Vox. I shot way above my qualifications, but I did my research and sold myself well.

I outperformed the others and I got the job.

“I was the first woman in Voice and I wanted to be the first woman in Core Voice, so I pushed myself even harder,” she says. “It took me six years to reach my goal. I now manage two of the biggest voice products at Vox, Vobi and IP Centrex. Vox gave me the opportunities I needed to show my daughter the girl power every woman has.”

Audrey is driven to set a great example to her daughter. “I want her to know that a woman can do anything a man can,” she says.

