These four elements are non-negotiable when it comes to keeping your business safe from cyber harm. We’ve optimised them even further with our Level 1 Security offering.

If you’re just getting in on the ground floor of Cyber Security for your business, or if you’re looking to reinforce that foundation, look no further than Vox’s Level 1 Security offering. Each element has been carefully chosen to provide the ultimate defence against Ransomware – the bane of businesses everywhere, but statistically speaking, small to medium enterprises most of all.

Having a dedicated team of security experts and world-class tech to watch your back might seem out of reach, but by outsourcing this critical component, companies of all sizes can rest easy in the knowledge that their most valuable assets are secure and proactively protected at all times.

How to defend against Ransomware diagram with Vox's Level 1 Security offering | Vox Cyber Security | png

Email Security

Over 306 billion emails were sent and received in 2020, and that number is expected to grow to 376 billion by 2025. It’s no wonder email phishing attacks are on the rise – and becoming more sophisticated by the day. Thanks to its ability to bypass Firewalls, a company’s email acts as the main portal for malware, accounting for 95% of all infections, which means email security should be a top priority when it comes to preventing costly Ransomware attacks.

A dedicated email security solution safeguards against the risk of everything from malware to inbox-clogging spam, phishing emails, DHA (Directory Harvest Attack) and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks as accidental data leaks. All of which can bring your business to a grinding halt as your essential data is literally taken hostage/encrypted and held for ransom.

Endpoint Security

This is not your grandmother’s Anti-virus solution. Not only do we offer Endpoint protection across all devices connected to your business, our top level offering, EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response), incorporates AI (Artificial Intelligence) to understand an application’s behaviour, and isolates infected machines while attempting to roll back the attack to discover its point of entry, without having to wait for any software updates.

Where EDR really shines is in the prevention of Zero Day Attacks – where hackers waste no time in finding any unknown software weakness or flaw ripe for exploitation before a patch can be made.

Network Security

Firewalls are your first line of defence when it comes to protecting your network from any unauthorised access and, like Endpoint Security, they’ve evolved to meet the demands made on them by 21st century threat actors.

Next-generation firewalls can provide real-time views into your network activity as well as actionable application and risk dashboards and reports, all without sacrificing any of your network performance. More than just a barrier between your network and online threats, next generation firewalls, are purpose-built and scalable, including everything from VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) for data encryption and remote working opportunities to application control and advanced threat protection.

In the face of a Ransomware attack, a Next-generation firewall cuts malware off at the knees by preventing it from connecting to the hacker’s control server and exchanging encryption keys to begin encrypting your data.

Managed Backup

Should all of the above fail – because anything that can and will happen, usually does – then your ultimate insurance policy against a Ransomware attack is a data backup and recovery plan. By keeping a copy of your data safely stored in a separate location, you’re not only shielding yourself from having to pay ransom for access to your data, with an efficient recovery plan in place, you’re also ensuring business can carry on as usual without the need for costly downtime.

That said, a backup solution is something that needs to be monitored constantly – not only to ensure your backups are error-free and constantly updated, but also to guarantee it’s free from malware too.

Clearly, when it comes to Cyber Security, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.