From Big Brother to whatever Putin is doing, the concept of keeping an eye on things started becoming mainstream somewhere in the nineties.

True, this has been misused to great effect (we see you, Facebook), but the reality is that as criminals have become smarter, the technology used to safeguard our houses has become similarly advanced. Not just that, but anyone who owns, rents or lives in a house can testify that they require more maintenance than the average VW Polo. Between leaks to drips to freezers who see load shedding as an excuse to emulate City Power and just refuse to work, the challenges we face are ample, abundant, and require intelligent solutions to navigate.

Honestly, sometimes we wish we had six arms just so we can keep all our moving parts in place – but what if we had a Sixth Sense instead?

First things first, what’s the deal with Vox Sixth Sense?

In simple English, Six Sense consists of a variety of technological solutions for the monitoring, safety and security of your home.

They may sound like they’re straight off the set of Mission Impossible, but these solutions are actually compact, battery powered (because we all know how well electricity reliance goes in this country) and easy to install.

They’re like the antithesis of service delivery in South Africa – you can rely on their energy; they work without supervision and you don’t need a tender to get them going.

Imagine a series of small sensors which don’t require a technician to set up in three to five days. You purchase, you install, you connect to your App and you’re good to go – you can even connect multiple devices to a single application. From that point on, you’re able to keep your eyes on the prize and monitor whichever valuables you see fit (sadly, you can’t attach it to people just yet. Or is that a good thing?)

Here’s a list of all the ways Sixth Sense can help your house Make Sense.

  1. Asset Tracker: It’s a tracker, but for your assets.

A device so nifty, Q from 007 would be proud. This small but durable tracking device is entirely battery operated. Simply attach to the assets you can’t afford to lose, and you can learn when they move as soon as they move. You can even set up a digital perimeter around your premises and, should the item leave that radius, you’ll be notified immediately. The moment it gets legs, you get notified – and you can get tracking, too.

  1. Door Sensor: the lockdown you actually want.

Until we invent crime robot butlers and security guards (hey, the rate we’re going, don’t rule it out), you’re going to need to keep an eye on your weak points. Sadly, your house doors and windows are two of them – but sometimes the biggest culprit isn’t an intruder, but rather an owner. Sheds, garages, even pool fences can often be overlooked with devastating consequences. Our Door Sensor remedies that (not by bonking you on the head to remind you, as it should do), but rather by letting you know when something is either being opened or being left open. It turns your entry points into “Invite Only” zones in an instant – which goes a long way in SA.

  1. Leak Detector: Stay ahead of the drip!

You know you’re officially old and grumpy when words like “drip” send you on a tangent about today’s youth. In this case, however, it’s warranted, as anyone who’s ever experienced a geyser leak will probably rank it between Level 5 Lockdown and Level 6 Load Shedding on the pain scale. The problem is geysers are like getting cut off by a minibus – you don’t know it’s happened until it’s too late, and no amount of screaming will fix it. Our Leak Detector, however, is an early warning system designed to get you on the proactive side of life. This indoor and outdoor sensor warns you of any unwanted water presence – simply install, live life and hope you never hear from it again.

  1. Temperature Monitor: Hot or cold, like a Katy Perry song

Anyone with an affinity for Tin Roof ice cream can attest to the damage rolling blackouts do to the contents on one’s freezer. We’ve seen it, much like we’ve seen our precious greenhouse sing the Imperial March the moment we step out for a week or two. With this in mind, our Temperature Monitor keeps an eye on all your sensitive areas – the ones in the home, at least. You’ll be alerted in the event of any fluctuation, be it too hot or too cold, which not only allows you to embrace your inner Goldilocks, but to act early so there’s no need to regret it later.

You can also enjoy easy self-installation and customisation, independent power, automatic connectivity and complete control. Yep, it’s a solution for better, safer home living which actually makes your life easier like it says on the box. Vox Sixth Sense is the present and the future of smarter home living – the only question now is why your other five senses aren’t as on point as this one.