Like your most precious child, nurturing, growing, and developing a business into something respectable is a process which requires patience, dedication, and effort. What may seem from the outside as a small ‘mom-and-pop’ store could be a legacy family business passed down through generations. What you and I may consider a tiny restaurant could be someone else’s vision come to life. What the general public may underestimate could, in fact, be someone’s blood, sweat, and tears – and to them, at least, mean significantly more than just a business.

Fact is, all organisations need to be respected, and to dismiss an entity based on external appearances is akin to judging a book by its cover. Sadly, however, this is the reality we face – we live in a society where first impressions and appearances are truly everything. This means that, to many brands, you only have one chance to make a good first impression – much as you have a singular shot at remaining respectable, taken seriously, and relevant in today’s modern era.

With this in mind, Vox would like to introduce our Jan 2023 Business Offering: which gives you a chance to level up your brand, and in doing so step up your organisational game.

We’re offering you a chance to start your New Year the right way and make an impact this 2023. Gone are the days where brands could skate by on minimal brand CI’s without investing in the required business resources. Today’s modern brands require modern solutions, and modern ways of reaching more informed, educated, and spoiled-for-choice customers than ever before.

In the interest of enabling your brand to be taken seriously by seeming more professional, organised, and modernised than ever before, we encourage you to explore our Level Up capabilities. With each bundle, your organisation will receive the following:

  • An personalised and customised Web Domain and Web Hosting.
  • Complete Cloud Mail Services.
  • Comprehensive Mail Management.
  • And, upon selection of the Premium Pack, access to one SME/Channel or FTTB new package.

The days of utilising free-to-use platforms in search of cost-effective solutions are long gone. True, sometimes it’s essential to cut costs, but there’s a fine line between being thrifty and depriving your business of the support it needs to reach that elusive next level. By Levelling Up your business, you immediately propel your professionalism into the stratosphere – appearing, communicating, and operating as a serious entity and significant player within your respective market sphere.

This is ideal for new and mid-sized businesses seeking a foothold in already established environments. As we’ve mentioned earlier, customers can be picky, and have a tendency to lean towards brands both familiar and trusted. A free-to-use site accompanied by an Email address which could be from anyone makes it hard to be taken seriously by new users. This package allows your brand to display all the signs of professionalism a prospective customer wishes to see – in doing so guaranteeing more sales and greater brand loyalty.

Much like you wouldn’t give your home, loved ones, or family anything short of the best, so too should your organisation receive the same investment and attention. Our Level Up bundle is a surefire way to ensure that you’re not just investing in your company but building a brand – one firmly rooted in professionalism and with an eye on the future.

Step into the tomorrow of the digital sphere and revolutionise the way your brand is perceived. Both you, and your organisation, will thank us tomorrow (and, hopefully, quite a fair bit after).