One day in 1989, 43 infants are inexplicably born to random, unconnected women who showed no signs of pregnancy the day before. Seven are adopted by billionaire industrialist Sir Reginald Hargreeves, the creator of the Umbrella Academy who prepares his “children” to save the world.

In their teenage years, the family fractures and the team disbands. Fast forward to the present day, when the six surviving members of the clan reunite upon the news of Hargreeves’ passing.

…a refreshing take on the superhero genre…

They work together to solve a mystery surrounding their father’s death, but divergent personalities and abilities again pull the estranged family apart, and a global apocalypse is another imminent threat. The series is based on a collection of comics and graphic novels created and written by My Chemical Romance lead singer Gerard Way.

Umbrella Academy not only looks, feels and sounds different but the production itself is gorgeous and evokes another world while keeping us firmly planted in this one. Yes, it has its flaws and excesses, but the series nonetheless lands in the sweet spot between comedy and drama. Some might say the plot and script are cliched but so what? It’s still a blast to watch, and the actors add further appeal of the show.

Umbrella Academy is a refreshing take on the superhero genre with unique tastes and lovable characters who are all too-real in their struggles with their past, emotional trauma and internal conflicts. We can’t wait for season 2!

Don’t just take our word for it, you too can watch Umbrella Academy, now streaming on Netflix.

Have a look at the Umbrella Academy trailer below.