“Whoever controls the media, controls the culture”
-Allen Ginsberg

As we sit and chat to our guest and founder of Truth TV, Dr Michael Mol, one thing becomes abundantly clear- this conversation is bound to be enlightening. Sure enough, our his eyes light up as he speaks in animated tones about values, ethics, morals, and culture. At one point, he uses Iron Man as an example of how he sees a need for genuine heroes to stand up for their beliefs and, we must admit, we’re captivated. All in all, our conversation with Dr Mol is a refreshing throwback to yesteryear filled with rich, wholesome topics such as the degradation of media content and the value of storytelling. Each second is either laugh inducing or thought provoking, and truth be told, enough to pique our interest around his brainchild, Truth TV.

We’re guided through a narrative of insight as we unpack how linear media has changed to usher in an era of purely digital content- one of instant gratification and choice, where streaming supersedes your regularly scheduled programming. We come to understand the dangers of unmoderated viewing, and the all too relatable struggle faced by many parents who can’t control the content their kids engage in. We’re presented with the risks of such freedom and its potentially detrimental influences, as Dr Mol patiently explains to us that kids today have more access to more content than ever before. In fact, studies show that children between the ages of 8 and 12 are now accessing five hours of screen time daily (versus just one with their parents) which, to us, is daunting.

Who then, he asks, really influences our kids thought patterns? Is it the parents, who are understandably occupied with daily life, or these external (and often unmoderated) influences?

It is the awareness of this reality, he explains, that has inspired the creation of his latest venture- Truth TV. Grounded in fundamental, old school Christian values, Truth TV represents an era of conversation starting, thought provoking, wholesome family content. Gone are the days of worrying about what your kids could be seeing, as this digital streaming service functions similarly to a Netflix or Amazon without the downside of unmoderated adult themes. It allows for an opportunity to not necessarily govern your kids viewing, but rather present a healthy alternative which subliminally reinforces the very morals and ethics that will serve them well in later life.

Truth TV, Dr Mol informs us, is a platform for change. There are families and parents who live in genuine fear of the negative influence of mass media and, to them, Truth TV presents a perfect solution. The focus is on both Faith and Family, as is carrying over cultures, norms, and values through effective storytelling.

Instead of brainless binge watching, the platform carefully selects conversation starters aimed at taking back seemingly eroding values. Kids are our future, and it’s our duty as parents to instill the correct morals in each of them- Truth TV presents an opportunity to do just that. The platform can be streamed from any TV, Smartphone, or other device; all you need is Internet connectivity and you’re good to go.

We’re excited to offer our Vox family two free months free subscription (it normally costs as little as R129.00 pm), all you need to do is sign up here. Say goodbye to stressing about your kids viewing habits and hello to a healthy, educational household. TV doesn’t have to be asinine, and with our latest streaming service, you can expect to see less imitation and more meaningful conversation.