Shop The Latest Fibre Deals

When choosing a new Fibre deal, make sure you’re not comparing apples to pears – which are also full of fibre, just a different kind.

Fibre. It’s essential to modern life. Not just as part of a balanced diet that keeps everything, uh, moving, but also for enjoying fast, reliable Internet at home. In the age of work from home and those soul restoring Bridgerton binge-watch sessions (we know. We KNOW), Fibre is a must.

But, dive right into a Fibre deal based solely on the price point and you might end up kicking yourself for the next six to 24 months. So read the fine print first!

Fair’s fair… or is it?

Despite every ISP’s best efforts, the dream of uncapped, unshaped, high-speed broadband for all often results in the reality of sluggish, slow Internet for most. And that’s where the Fair Use Policy (FUP) comes in. If you’re consuming obscene amounts of data and leaving nothing for the rest of us, you’ll soon find your Fibre speed rapidly diminishing.

That said, certain ISPs may take the position of throttling you anyway, regardless of your data consumption, during high-peak periods – exactly when you need it most – as part of their regular service delivery.

Speaking of speed, it’s also worth keeping the importance of upload speed in mind before signing on the dotted line for that seemingly amazing Fibre deal.

In the age of Teams meetings and 4k streaming, your upload speed is now a crucial factor in the decision-making process.

A Fibre deal with a nice price but a less than great upload speed might end up hurting in the long run.

Sad but true: buff and buffering are not the same thing. And, just like that, that great Fibre deal doesn’t seem so great after all. Because, weirdly enough, slow Internet is far more frustrating than no Internet. A pain the dial-up Internet generation knows all too well… Yes, some of us crawled so the rest could literally sprint. Not all heroes wear capes.

Is the installation really free?

Those costs start to creep up when you realise there’s a lot more to Fibre to the home than you may have budgeted for. A free installation goes a long way in making the experience that more accessible, but it’s not always a guarantee. Not to mention, there are instances where you may require more cabling, and this can come at extra cost to you. An additional cost made easier to bear if your installation is free in the first place.

Also, if you’re a bit of a technophobe, having a professional on hand to literally hook you up is invaluable. Because the last thing you’ll want to be faced with once the installation process is over is taking a deep dive down a Google rabbit hole to figure out how to get your router to work properly or how to set your own passwords with your smartphone data. This brings us to another possible deal-breaker…

Is a router included?

Often taken for granted and the frequent source of blame when the network crashes for what seems like the millionth time that month, we would be nowhere without our Wi-Fi routers. As the old saying goes, home is where our devices connect automatically.

While creating a reliable home Wi-Fi network can be a tricky beast to master (more about that here and here, oh, and here) it helps to start with a Fibre-compatible Wi-Fi router. It’s even better if that router happens to be included as part of your subscription to begin with. Some may promise the inclusion of a free-to-use router, only for you to discover it’s available on long term contracts but not month-to-month.

Bonus points for an ISP that also offers a wealth of knowledge and services for helping you achieve the best Wi-Fi network possible. Making the most of your amazing, high-speed Fibre is the real goal here.

If only there was an ISP you could count on for the above and more…

Oh wait, there is.

That’s us